Whether you’re looking for tips on your social life, your love life, or just ways to relax and unwind, we’ve compiled a French lifestyle guide for you to live like a French woman. This guide is all about living like a true flâneur in your town, through simple pleasures, high standards, appreciating the small things in life, a genuine sense of style, and enjoying the French lifestyle.
Here is how to live like a French woman!
Enjoy the Simple Things in Life
Enjoy the simple things in life — those everyday pleasures that give so much joy and pleasure.
The French are known for the art of savoring life’s simple pleasures. If you want to adopt this French lifestyle and mindset, start by taking note of everyday occurrences that make you smile or catch your eye.
Perhaps it is the way a hot cup of coffee smells or how a bouquet brightens up your room. You can even find joy in less-than-ideal situations, like getting caught in a summer rainstorm or listening to your favorite song on repeat.
The key is to be present and recognize these shared human experiences so that you can enjoy them more fully.
Wander like a True “Flâneur”
In French, there is a verb not found in other languages: flâner, which means “to stroll” or “to wander around idly.”
Wandering aimlessly through Paris has long been considered an art form. As you get lost in the city’s charming streets and neighborhoods, you open yourself to new experiences such as street performers, local cafes and restaurants, and hidden architectural gems.
Don’t be afraid to follow your instincts; striking up a conversation with a stranger may lead you to discover your new favorite artist, film director, or author.
The Art of Doing Nothing
The French are known for their carefree attitude and joie de vivre. But what does that mean in practical terms?
The French know the value of taking a moment to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. Have you ever wondered how they manage to accomplish so much while doing little? They know how to take lazy days when it’s necessary to just sit back and do nothing. So next time you’re tempted to spend every minute of your day working, remember the French, who are always ready for an impromptu vacation – because any good work ethic is built on a solid foundation of rest.
Have Your Coffee En Terrasse
Coffee is a staple in French culture, but it doesn’t have to be boring when you enjoy it al fresco. In France, cafes feature terraces so that patrons can enjoy the sunshine while they sip their coffee or eat a bite of something delicious. Don’t let the sunshine go to waste—purchase an outdoor table and chairs or head out to a cafe with an outdoor terrace and soak up the rays while enjoying some time away from the office.

Practice the Art of Discretion
When you are in the presence of others, be aware of your surroundings and how your actions will affect them. If you need to use your cell phone, step away or excuse yourself. If you are chewing gum, make sure it is not loud or distracting to those around you. You should be mindful of your behavior because attracting attention to yourself is considered a faux pas in France.
Cultivate Your Artistic Sense
Art is a large part of the , and it is encouraged within French homes. Painting, pottery, drawing, photography, and even singing are all activities that are common in France. Encourage your children to break out the supplies and get creative. It is also encouraged to take your kids to museums; if you aren’t near one, you can always find a virtual tour on the internet!
Practice the Art of Conversation
One thing that makes the French lifestyle so fascinating is their ability to hold an intelligent conversation with just about anybody. They’re not afraid to talk about art, culture, politics, or religion in mixed company—they just seek out interesting people and find something to talk about. So try striking up a conversation with the stranger next to you on the bus or in line at the grocery store! You never know how it might change your life.
Host a French Dinner Party
The French culture holds dinner parties in very high esteem. It’s not just about gossiping with friends—it’s about preparing for them by choosing an appropriate theme for the dinner, picking out the perfect wine accompaniments, and spending time preparing beforehand.
Relax on Sundays Like the French
The French are famous for their work-life balance. They often have a 35-hour workweek, which leaves much time for relaxation and indulgence. When they’re not working, they’re enjoying a delicious meal or going out with friends. This can be hard to achieve, but you can start to relax like the French if you plan ahead and have a few lazy Sunday afternoons.

Shop From the Local Farmer’s Market
Farmer’s markets are popular throughout France, and it shows in their cuisine. The fresh ingredients from these local markets inspire chefs to create simple yet amazing dishes. It’s easy to find one near you that sells organic produce and other delectable goods—all you have to do is turn on your GPS!
Learn to Cook like the French
It is also important that you learn how to cook like the French. If you want to relax on Sundays or go shopping at farmer’s markets, then it is only natural that you should learn how to cook like them! This means following traditional recipes and using fresh ingredients from your local market to create new menus.
Sit Down to Eat and Enjoy Your Meal
This is one of the most important pillars of French lifestyle design. The French sit down to a meal, letting themselves enjoy it. They don’t eat on the run, in front of a computer, or a car. They also choose quality over quantity when it comes to their meals. They would rather eat something delicious and nourishing than something cheap and unsatisfying.

Stay in Shape the French Way
The French are known for staying fit without dieting or being obsessive about exercise. This is because they make healthy choices throughout their day, rather than having a strict regimen. They walk instead of taking a cab and enjoy small portions of decadent foods instead of binging on junk food. They also use smaller plates and drink lots of water to stay hydrated throughout their day.
Take the French Approach To Self Care
The French lifestyle involves maintaining an air of casual elegance in all aspects of life, including self-care routines. When you’re getting ready, it’s important to take the time to enjoy every step of your routine—whether that means splurging on your favorite brand of face wash or taking a few extra minutes in a steamy shower. Most importantly, don’t rush through your routine! If you do, you may miss out on the joy and relaxation of taking care of yourself.
Embrace the Aging Process Gracefully
The French have always understood that aging is a natural part of life and something to be celebrated rather than feared. Don’t get distracted by gimmicks that promise to keep you young forever; instead, learn to embrace your wrinkles and laugh lines as symbolizing years of wisdom and experience. You should also never be afraid to go gray! In many ways, fully embracing the physical signs of aging can help you accept yourself and find inner peace as this is the French lifestyle.
Simplify Your Wardrobe
A French woman’s wardrobe is the epitome of minimalism—a few key timeless, classic, and well-made pieces. While the latest trend or style may tempt you, a French woman would never take the bait. Instead, she would focus on a few essential items that reflect her personality and can be mixed and matched for any occasion. A French woman knows that it’s more important to have a few items that make her feel confident than to fill up her closet with items she never wears because they don’t make her feel like herself.
Invest in Quality Clothing & Accessories
French women don’t just invest in quality clothing but also in high-quality shoes, bags, and accessories. Your wallet or shoes may not look flashy at first glance, but they will stand the test of time if made well with high-quality materials. Because why buy something new every year when you can have an item forever?
Date Like a French Girl
The French have a reputation for being romantic and flirtatious, so it should come as no surprise that they have some very distinct dating habits. They tend to favor more casual relationships over long-term commitment, prefer to date multiple people at once for a while before focusing on one person exclusively, and don’t always expect their partners to pay for dates.
More and more French women are having children first before getting married if they ever do. While the French romantic lifestyle is not for everyone, these are some habits I’ve noticed about Parisian women in particular.
Build a French Capsule Wardrobe
If you want to look, French, you need to start from the inside. Your clothes need to fit well and match your body shape, likes and dislikes, and personality. This means that you need to build a French capsule wardrobe full of items that can be mixed and matched with each other. This will help you create outfits appropriate for all sorts of occasions, from casual coffee dates to formal business meetings.
Dress in What Makes You Feel Confident
A French woman will never wear something because it’s “trendy.” She dresses for herself, not for the approval of others. Dressing in what makes you feel better about yourself will help you project confidence and exactly makes French women seem so effortlessly chic!
Wear Beautiful Lingerie for Yourself
One of the little-known secrets of French women is that they always wear beautiful lingerie—even underneath their casual outfits! This encourages confidence and well-being that can’t be replicated by wearing older undergarments.
Find a Signature Perfume
French women have an impeccable sense of style, so it’s no surprise that they know how to choose the right perfume. You can tell a lot about a woman by her perfume, and having a signature scent is a great way to establish your personal brand. If you’re not confident in your ability to pick out a signature perfume for yourself, consider visiting a French department store for guidance. A shopping expert at Le Bon Marché can help you find the perfect scent that tells people who you are when you walk into the room.
Don’t Take Life Too Seriously
French women famously don’t care what others think, which is one of the reasons they are so admired. They are also known for being able to drink and eat whatever they want without gaining weight. French women don’t take life too seriously, and we think it makes them look even more attractive!
As you can see, living the French lifestyle is enjoyable and healthy. French women spend less time battling daily stressors and learn to take life’s earthly pleasures in stride. They are quality-oriented, have a strong willingness to adapt to new habits, and know that there is more to life than material belongings. All in all, they accept their flaws and don’t let minor matters overwhelm them.
Hello. I like the content of this post, however I consider the section “Date Like a French Girl” as an insult and a way to promote infidelity, promiscuity, adultery and venereal diseases.
Love is never gonna be real if you cheat and take life as a something not serious. People have feelings and you can’t not love if you are live like that.
I would love to say to the writer that little girls and women need advice, so please be more mindful with the way you influence people.
To the girls and women reading this: don’t take all the thing people say seriously. Reflect in all you do.
I agree with Martina’s comment – only I would add, reflect in prayer before making any decisions in life.
I surprised and quite sadden how far France has fallen from its traditional Catholic practices.
On a different note – I do enjoy many French things; fashion, minimalism, and I absolutely love all things King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette!