If you want to live the French lifestyle, then you must know about these 10 things French girls do in Paris. There are lots of fun activities that real Parisian women take part in while living in Paris. Here are the top ways real French girls spend their time!
Chill at a Sidewalk Café
You can always spot chic Parisians hanging out on a Parisian terrace with their best friend!

Shoot on Film
French girls love film cameras.

Pick up the Paper from a Parisian Newsstand

Visit an Art Museum

Admire the View from a Balcony

Ride a Bike Through Paris

Sun Bathe at a Park in Paris

Look for Treasures at Flea Markets

Pause at the Bouquinistes along the Seine

Ride a Bike through the Countryside

1 comment
Thank you, Madam ! Wonderful inspiring Parisian style !
“Aujourd’hui l’espace est splendide!
Sans mors, sans éperons, sans bride,
Partons à cheval sur le vin
Pour un ciel féerique et divin!
Comme deux anges que torture
Une implacable calenture
Dans le bleu cristal du matin
Suivons le mirage lointain!
Mollement balancés sur l’aile
Du tourbillon intelligent,
Dans un délire parallèle,
Ma soeur, côte à côte nageant,
Nous fuirons sans repos ni trêves
Vers le paradis de mes rêves!”